Loop Earplugs Review: Control Your Noise, Not Your Volume!

Control Your Noise, Ear Illustration
Control Your Noise, Ear Illustration

Author Profile
Phileas Fogg

Alex Rivera

by Alex Rivera a tech passionate and consumer advocate at WTI News

olume problem; If you live in an environment where there is a lot of noise, like a cabin, or are troubled by the volume of your favorite concert, then these earplugs can help you a lot. Loop earplugs are designed to help you control your daily life. increase the level of noise in your life.

Loop offers a variety of earplugs to suit your needs. The whole society knows how many types of earplugs Loop provides.

Loop earplugs - Quite

Loop earplugs - Quite


Who it's for: people looking for maximum noise reduction for sleeping, traveling, or blocking out distractions.

Short review: With a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 24 decibels, Loop Quiet significantly reduces most noise. They come in multiple sizes for a comfortable fit and are made from soft silicone.

Possible downsides: Since they block out a lot of noise, you might not hear important sounds like alarms or someone calling your name.

Loop Experience (Plus)

Loop Experience (Plus)


Who it's for: people who want some noise reduction but still need to hear conversations or some ambient noise. Good for studying, co-working spaces, or commuting.

Short review: Loop Experience reduces noise by up to 16 dB while keeping speech clear. They are reusable and comfortable, with adjustable tips.

Possible downsides: It doesn't offer the same level of noise reduction as Loop Quiet.

Alternatives: There are many other earplug options available, depending on your needs and budget. Some popular drugstores have foam earplugs that offer good noise reduction at a lower price point.

Loop earplugs - Switch 

Loop earplugs - Switch


The Loop Switch is a perfect choice for anyone who wants adjustable noise control throughout their day.

Who it's for: People who need different levels of noise reduction depending on the situation. From focusing at work (blocking out chatter) to protecting ears at concerts (dampening loud music), Loop Switch offers flexibility.

Short review: Loop Switch has a dial to switch between three modes:

  • Engage Mode: Reduces background noise while keeping conversations clear.
  • Experience Mode: Lowers volume at concerts and events, preserving sound quality.
  • Quiet Mode: Offers maximum noise reduction for deep focus or sleep. They are comfortable, reusable, and come with multiple ear tip sizes for a good fit.

Possible downsides: A bit pricier than some other earplugs. The dial mechanism might take some getting used to.


Loop Quiet or Experience: If you only need one level of noise reduction, these might be a more affordable option.

Electronic Noise-Cancelling Earphones: Offer adjustable noise reduction and can also play music. However, they require batteries and might not be suitable for all situations.

Loop earplugs - Engage 

Loop earplugs - Engage


Loop Engage earplugs are designed for people who want to minimize background noise while still having clear conversations. 

Who it's for: people in noisy environments who want to hear conversations easily (networking events, social gatherings). Parents who want to reduce noise distractions without muffling their child's voice.

Individuals with noise sensitivity who struggle with overwhelming environments.

Short review: Loop Engage offers low-level noise reduction (around 16 dB) that takes the edge off background sounds without affecting speech clarity. They use a special filter designed for natural-sounding conversations. Comfortable and reusable with multiple-sized ear tips for a good fit. Available in various colors.

Possible downsides: Complete noise cancellation (sleeping, traveling on loud planes). There may not be enough noise reduction for very loud environments (concerts, factories).


Loop Experience: Similar noise reduction level (16 dB) but might not be as good for specifically enhancing speech in noisy environments.

Loop Quiet: Offers maximum noise reduction (24 dB) but will also muffle conversations.

HearThrough Earplugs: Another option for conversation in noisy settings, though some might find them bulkier than Loop Engage.

Loop earplugs - Enagage plus

Loop earplugs - Enagage plus


Loop Engage Plus earplugs are designed for people who want reduced background noise with clear speech, with the added benefit of on-demand extra noise reduction.

Who it's for: people in noisy social settings (networking events, parties) who want to hear conversations clearly but also control how much noise they filter out.

Individuals with noise sensitivity need adjustable noise reduction depending on the situation.

Professionals who work in moderately noisy environments (co-working spaces, open offices) and want to minimize distractions without missing important sounds.

Short review: Loop Engage Plus offers low-level noise reduction (16 dB) to take the edge off background noise while keeping speech clear.

Includes Loop Mute, an add-on filter that provides an extra 5 dB of noise reduction when you need it (loud conversations, sudden noises). Comfortable, reusable, and come with multiple ear tip sizes for a secure fit. Available in various colors.

Possible downsides: Complete noise cancellation (sleeping on airplanes).

There might not be enough noise reduction for extremely loud environments (concerts, construction zones).


Loop Engage: Similar base noise reduction (16 dB) without the option for additional quieting with Loop Mute.

Loop Experience: similar noise reduction (16 dB) but may not be specifically designed to enhance speech in noisy environments.

Loop Quiet: Offers maximum noise reduction (24 dB) but will also significantly muffle conversations.

Electronic Noise-Cancelling Earphones: offer adjustable noise reduction and can play music, but require batteries and might be bulkier than Loop Engage Plus.

Loop Engage Kids

Loop Engage Kids


Loop Engage Kids earplugs are designed specifically for children aged 6 -12 who experience noise sensitivity or need help focusing in noisy environments.

Who it's for: children with noise sensitivity who get overwhelmed by loud sounds (crowded gatherings, fireworks, playgrounds).

Kids who need help focusing at school or at home during homework with background noise distractions.

Children who struggle with anxiety in stimulating environments.

Short review: Offer low-level noise reduction (around 16 dB) to take the edge off harsh noises without muffling important sounds like voices. Made from soft, hypoallergenic silicone for comfortable wear throughout the day. Include interchangeable ear tips in multiple sizes (XXS-M) to ensure a proper fit for smaller ears.

Come in bright, kid-friendly colors (Berry Blue, Watermelon Red, and Ocean Orange).

Possible downsides: Not recommended for extended use (more than 3 hours per day).

May not be effective for completely blocking out very loud noises.


Regular foam earplugs: A more affordable option, but might be uncomfortable for children's ears and not specifically designed for lower-level noise reduction.

HearThrough earplugs for Kids: Similar concept to Loop Engage Kids, but might be bulkier.

Here are some things to consider when choosing earplugs:

  • Noise Reduction Rating (NRR): A higher NRR means more noise reduction.
  • Comfort: How long will you be wearing them?
  • Fit: A good fit is essential for both noise reduction and comfort.
  • Reusable vs. Disposable: Reusable earplugs are more eco-friendly but require cleaning.

Understand before buying. 

Loop earplugs reduce noise, which means not removing voice, but in some cases, removing all voice, this product makes for volume adjustment and experience voice. 

Those people who buy them say, "I am wasting my money on this product; this is not removing voice and background voice." I apologize if you buy this. 

What do you think? It may not be what you thought. Don't be worried; this is human satisfaction. I know Loop provides a return policy, so you can return them at any time. In 30 days, ok, do not worry, just try. Thank you for reading. Care for your health.

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